TISCOR's BACKTRACK 4.45.04, enhanced asset tracking software application, offers new security features, such as the ability to specify if certain users can add or delete a record, provide facilities with an even greater capability to track, record and account for the location of tangible assets. BACKTRACK can be used to track virtually any type of item or process, including tools, equipment, files and documents. TISCOR, a subsidiary of Brady Corporation, says the enhancement is the first effort toward expanding BACKTRACK's capabilities to provide an indispensable tool that meets the industry's asset tracking needs. BACKTRACK is certified to be used with the Compsee Apex II, Compsee Apex III, Dolphin 7200, Symbol PDT 3100, and Unitech PT600 handheld devices. The software is also compatible with many other mobile devices. The enhanced product is also now compatible with Windows 2000 and Windows XP.